What is the CDN Content Distribution Hierarchy?
When users access a website, they expect a fast and seamless experience. Any delay can lead to user abandonment and impact the success of the website. It is against this backdrop that CDN (Content Delivery Network) technology emerged to address these challenges. This article will delve into the concept of CDN, its working mechanism, hierarchical structure, and how to leverage CDN optimization to enhance website performance.
CDN Concept and Working Mechanism
CDN is a distributed network that speeds up content loading and improves user experience by replicating content across multiple servers around the world, enabling users to receive data from the nearest server. CDNs primarily handle static content such as images, videos, CSS, and JavaScript files, but they can also handle dynamic content in different ways.
When a user attempts to access a website that uses a CDN, the CDN’s global load balancing system redirects the user’s request to the closest edge server. If this edge server has a cached copy of the content requested by the user, it will directly send the content to the user. If not, the edge server will retrieve the content from the origin server or another edge node, cache it, and then transmit it to the user.
CDN’s Content Distribution Network
- Global Load Balancing: This is the entry point of the CDN network, responsible for receiving user requests and determining the best edge server location to respond to those requests.
- Edge Caching: Positioned after global load balancing, edge cache servers store copies of the website’s static and dynamic content and provide content based on the geographical location of the user.
- Origin Server: As the last link in the CDN hierarchy, the origin server stores the original content of the website. When there is no available content copy in the edge servers, they request content from the origin server.
Advantages of CDN
- Improved Performance: CDNs improve the overall performance of a website by reducing the distance of data transmission, thus shortening content loading times.
- Increased Availability: By replicating content across multiple servers around the world, even if some servers have issues, others can take over, ensuring that website content is always available.
- Reduced Origin Server Load: Distributing user requests to edge servers lightens the load on the origin server, enhancing the stability and responsiveness of the website.
How to Choose a CDN Provider
- Performance: Providers should be capable of ensuring content is transmitted to users quickly and reliably.
- Global Coverage: An extensive network of servers can better serve global users.
- Customization and Control: Providers should allow customers to customize CDN solutions according to their own needs.
- Cost-Effectiveness: CDN services should provide quality service at a reasonable price.
- Security: Opt for providers that offer security features like DDoS protection and data encryption.